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Kōya (Clare Mathias)
Intuitive Watercolour Artist
Clare has been working in watercolour for the last ten years and, as a self-taught artist, she is developing her style, which has been influenced by her Zen practice and her interest in Japanese art. The intuitive nature of her watercolours captures the essence of her subjects and she is inspired by the natural shapes found in nature, which encourages her to experiment with strong pigments enhanced by the flow of water. Koya has recently moved to Sidney after living on Pender Island for the last 28 years, where she exhibited and sold her artwork. For the last 14 years Clare has studied Zen with her teacher, Peter Levitt, on Salt Spring Island. On taking her Zen Buddhist vows in November 2015, Clare was given the Zen name of Kōya Shōsei (Open Field, Illuminating Vow). The calligraphy and seal that appear on her artwork represents her Zen name and is an integral part of her paintings.